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ISCE Douro

| Presentation

The Student Ombudsman is an independent body, without any decision-making powers, whose mission is to defend and promote the interests and rights of students, as well as to provide assistance in all situations related to their academic careers.

The Student Ombudsman is responsible for collecting complaints regarding problems of a teaching or administrative nature that are not resolved immediately by the appropriate bodies, as described in section VI, Article 18, of the ISCE Douro Statutes, based on impartiality and dialogue .

| Skills

  • Promote the analysis and forwarding of issues raised by students;

  • Provide an opinion and request all information from the Institute's bodies regarding cases presented to them by students;

  • Defend the rights and interests of students, and may, for this purpose, issue recommendations addressed to the various bodies of the Institute.

| Responsible

Prof. Doctor Pedro Flores

Pedro Flores has a degree in Physical Education and Sports, a Master's degree in Adapted Physical Activity, a Specialist Professor in Sports and a PhD candidate in Sports Sciences. His professional activity is guided by teaching in Basic and Secondary Education and Higher Education. He was also a football coach and aerobics instructor. He holds numerous positions in associations and communities in the region. He is a researcher integrated into the Sports and Physical Exercise Research Center at ISCE Douro and his areas of interest are Physical Activity Adapted to Special Populations and the Associations between Motor Development and Cognitive Learning. At a scientific level, they publish books, articles and works presented at conferences and events and collaborate with several national and international researchers. He is a reviewer for Motricidade magazine.


| Opening hours

- Monday, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

- Thursday, from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

- Other times: prior appointment

| Documents

- Student Provider Guidance Document

- Student Ombudsman Activity Report 2019/20 2nd Semester
