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ISCE Douro

| Publication Standards


All articles must be submitted to

To publish in the September issue, you must submit your work by May 15th. For the March publication, you must submit your article by November 15th.

Articles submitted to the LabD – Journal of Sports Sciences should not be identified in the document itself. The name, affiliation and contact details of the authors must be sent in the body of the email and in the "Copyright Form".

The document must be sent in Word format and must not exceed 25 pages in total. The sheet size should be A4 (21cm x 29.7cm), with top, bottom and side margins of 3 cm. The font must be Arial 11-point size. The line spacing should be 1.5 spaces.

Paragraphs should be indented (starting inwards) five to seven spaces (0.5 cm), except for titles, abstract text and block quotations (excerpts with more than 40 words). The text should be aligned only on the left side of the page (left justification) and the right margin uncertain (not justified).

The submitted articles must have the following structure:

        • Title page
        • Summary page and abstract
        • Text pages
        • References
        • Attachments (optional)
Notes should be placed on the page footer and tables and figures can appear in the text.

The articles must start with an abstract in Portuguese and English, or only in English if it is the language of the article. Each one should not exceed 250 words and there must be the maximum of 7 keywords. The summary begins on the first line with the word Summary, centered. The summary paragraphs must not be indented and must be aligned to the left and right. The summary is a specific and accessible synopsis of the main ideas of the article.

Titles and subtitles must respect the following formatting by levels:

        • Level 1: Centered, in Bold, with Uppercase and Lowercase Letters;
        • Level 2: Left aligned, in Bold, with Uppercase and Lowercase Letters;
        • Level 3: Indented on the left, in bold, with lowercase letters and ends in a period;
        • Level 4: Indented to the left, in bold and italics, with lowercase letters and ending in a period;Level 5: Indented to the left, in italics, with lowercase letters and ending in a period.

The tables must be presented in the Arial font, in 9-point size. The graphs must always show the values ​​to which they refer in the graph's own space, or in the form of an attached table, allowing their edition (built in word or excel: microsoft graph format).

Attachments (if any) must be placed after the entire article. You must start each attachment on a different page and number them using letters (Appendix A, Appendix B ...).


| Privacy Policy


The names and e-mail addresses presented in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for other purposes, in strict compliance with the GDPR.



