The lack of information about mental health is one of the biggest obstacles to early intervention, hence the importance of programs that promote information and detection of signs among adolescents in a school context (O'Neill, 2013; Ozer & Schotland, 2011 ). It is estimated that 10 to 20% of children have one or more mental health problems. This scenario reveals the need to promote the health and well-being of young people through projects developed and implemented in schools. To achieve this, the participation of teachers and other professionals who work in schools is essential. The development of programs that support them in creating projects that promote the participation of young people, parents and the entire community is essential to make the school an environment that promotes well-being in adolescents (Tomé et al., 2018). Teachers are essential professionals in recognizing signs of possible mental health problems among school-age youth (Armstrong, Price & Crowley, 2015).
MODULE 1 – Mental Health in a School Context (10 hours)
- Mental health definition;
- Depression;
- Anxiety;
- Violence in a school context.
MODULE 2 – Project Methodology (5 hours)
Good habits
Identification and characterization of the problem
Project Implementation
Project Assessment
MODULE 3 – Project Preparation (5 hours)
- Preparation of a project to be implemented in a school context
02/17 – between 6pm and 9pm
02/19 – between 9am-2pm
02/24 – between 6pm-9pm
02/26 – between 9am-2pm
03/03 – between 6pm-9pm
- average completion of Bachelor's degree (Pre-Bologna) or Master's degree (Bologna)
- years of service
- CV analysis
Applications must be submitted by February 15th by sending an email to info@isce.pt accompanied by CV and other information regarding ranking criteria.Note: Applications that do not include any of the information indicated above will be automatically excluded.